27 and 28 January: University public lectures in the context of the appointment procedure for the W2 professorship Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia
- https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/en/region/africa/27-and-28-january-university-public-lectures-in-the-context-of-the-appointment-procedure-for-the-w2-professorship-languages-and-cultures-of-southeast-asia
- 27 and 28 January: University public lectures in the context of the appointment procedure for the W2 professorship Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia
- 2023-01-27T12:00:00+01:00
- 2023-01-28T16:00:00+01:00
- When Jan 27, 2023 12:00 to Jan 28, 2023 04:00
- Where IAAW, Invalidenstraße 118, Room 315
- Contact Name Prof Dr Claudia Derichs
- iCal
All interested people and especially students are cordially invited! In addition to the rehearsal lectures, there will also be teaching rehearsals for the students of our institute.
FRIDAY, 27/01/2023
12:00h PD Dr. Stefanie Siebenhütter (Universität Mainz)
Mehrsprachigkeit in Südostasien: Von lokaler und regionaler
Forschung zu transregionalen und globalen Perspektiven
14:00h Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka (FU Berlin)
Shaping Futures at the Margins: Language, Ecology, and Decolonial
Pedagogy in Timor Leste
16:00h Dr. Saskia Schäfer (HU Berlin)
Cultural Change and the Language of Politics in Contemporary
Southeast Asia
SATURDAY, 28/01/2023
09:00h Dr. Timo Duile (Universität Bonn) [online]
Atheismus und politische Kommunikation(-sverweigerung) in
11:00h Prof. Dr. Arnika Fuhrmann (Cornell University)
Southeast Asia as Question: Thinking Region and Identity from
14:00h Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schaffar (Universität Passau)
Die #Milk Tea Alliance. Memes und soziale Medien in Südostasien -
ein Forschungsfeld zwischen Areallinguistik, Medien-/
Kommunikationswissenschaft und Politikwissenschaft