Lecture presentation WS 2020/21
11.11.20 Sakina Johow
by korantgr
last modified
Mar 15, 2021 04:59
"The myth of fortress conservation" (Survival International)
25.11.20 Dr. Gilbert Ndi Shang
by korantgr
last modified
Mar 15, 2021 04:51
Dr. Gilbert Ndi Shang (University of Bayreuth): "The tropicality of being: inter-textual readings of African and Latin American literatures"
10.02.21 Margot Luyckfassel
by korantgr
last modified
Mar 15, 2021 04:57
"'The Fox takes his food in the village': folkloric music, wit and ownership in Kinshasa"
24.02.21 Delphine Froment
by korantgr
last modified
Mar 15, 2021 04:54
Delphine Froment (École Normale Supérieure Paris) "The Kilimanjaro, a German mountain? Discourses and practices of imperialism in the German colonial period"