Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Publications Dr. Bianca Horlemann


(in process). "The Mgo log and the Muslim Ma Warlords (dmags shed can Ma' rgyud) in A mdo, 1917-1949," PIATS Vancouver 2010.

(in process). "Tibetan Nomadic Trade and the Chinese "xiejia 歇家(hostel)" System in 19th/ 20th Century A mdo," Proceedings of the International Conference: Exploring Tibet's History and Culture, Delhi 2009.

(in print). "Early Tibetan Toponyms. An Attempt to Identify 'Byi lig of P.T. 116 and P.T. 996," in PIATS Königswinter 2006, Old and Classical Tibetan Studies, hrsg. von Cristina Scherrer-Schaub und Tsuguhito Takeuchi. Halle: International Institute for Buddhist and Tibetan Studies.

(im Druck). "Buddhist Sites in A mdo and former Longyou from the 8th to the 13th Century," PIATS Oxford 2003, Old Tibetan Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Ronald E. Emmerick, hrsg. von Cristina Scherrer-Schaub. Leiden: Brill.

(2009). "Tibeter und Muslime in Nordwestchina: eine komplexe Beziehung," China heute 3: 180-187. (Englische Übers. in Bearbeitung)

(2009). "The Divine Word Missionaries in Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang, 1922-1953: A Bibliographic Note," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 19/ 1: 59-82. (Chinesische Übers.: "1922-1953 年间甘肃, 青海和新疆的"圣言会"传教团:书目研究," Zhongguo bianjiang minzu yanjiu 中国边疆民族研究 (第三辑) 2010/3: 381-404.)

(2009). Buchbesprechung. "Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930). Missionar in China und Vermittler chinesischen Geistesguts. Schriftenverzeichnis - Katalog seiner chinesischen Bibliothek - Briefe von Heinrich Hackmann - Briefe von Ku Hung-ming. Compiled by Hartmut Walravens, with an essay by Thomas Zimmer," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 19/ 3: 410-411.

(2007). "The Relations of the 11th Century Tsong kha Tribal Confederation to its Neighbour States on the Silk Road," in Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet, hrsg. von Matthew Kapstein und Brandon Dotson. Leiden: Brill, 79-101.

(2007). "Tibetische Viehzüchter in der VR China: neue Chancen - neue Konflikte," in Bonner Asienstudien, vol. 2, Asien heute, hrsg. von Stephan Conermann. Schenefeld: EB-Verlag, 37-52.

(2007). "The Golok of Tibet through Western Eyes: Fascination and Horror," in Tibet in 1938-1939: Photographs from Ernst Schäfer's Expedition to Tibet, hrsg. von Isrun Engelhardt. Chicago: Serindia, 91-102.

(2005). "On the Origin of Jiaosiluo, the Founder of the Tsong kha Tribal Confederation in 11th Century Amdo," Zentralasiatische Studien 34: 127-154.

(2004). Aufstieg und Niedergang der Tsong-kha-Stammeskonföderation im 11./ 12. Jahrhundert an der Schnittstelle von Tibet, China und Zentralasien. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.

(2002). "A Re-evaluation of the Tibetan Conquest of Eighth-Century Shazhou/ Dunhuang," in Tibet, Past and Present, hrsg. von Henk Blezer. Leiden: Brill, 49-66.

(2002). "Modernisation Efforts in Mgo log: A Chronicle, 1970-2000," in Amdo Tibetans in Transition, hrsg. von Toni Huber. Leiden: Brill, 241-269.