Gastwissenschaftler Soham Das Gupta
He was a visiting fellow at the Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University, Berlin, from June to October 2014. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D in Jadavpur University. His research deals with the British theories and practices of "small wars" in the North-West Frontier of British India between 1849-1913. The chief focus of the research is the patterns of wars waged by the British colonial masters against the frontier tribes. The engagements between the British colonial masters and tribesmen of the 'volatile frontier' ranged from 'butcher and bolt' expedition to 'winning the hearts and minds'.Moreover, here is an endevour to explore any shift & continuity in waging war in this particular region in recent times. Furthermore, here is an attempt to engage in the onging debate on the “new wars” by trying to see ‘how new are these “new wars”?'