Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Gastprofessorin Prof. Dr. Anuradha Roy

Gastprofessorin Prof. Dr. Anuradha Roy

Dr. Anuradha Roy, Professor, Dept. of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Works focus on the intellectual and cultural history of modern Bengal. Specializes in the life of the Bengali bhadralok (middle-class literati) and bhadramahila (the women of the bhadralok family). Written in both Bengali and English. Quite a few books on Bengal Marxism, including two in English, both published in 2014 – Bengal Marxism: Early Discourses and Debates and Cultural Communism in Bengal, 1936-1952. Also authored Nationalism as Poetic Discourse in Nineteenth Century Bengal. Edited two big collections of nationalist songs and poems for the literary academies of the province of West Bengal and of India, covering the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries respectively.

Interested also in Gandhian social activism in Bengal. Contemplates a combination of Marx, Gandhi and Tagore for formulating an ideology for a better world.