"Engendering and Degendering South Asian Studies"
- https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/en/region/southasia/events/archives/workshop-mai2011
- "Engendering and Degendering South Asian Studies"
- 2011-05-19T09:00:00+02:00
- 2011-05-21T16:00:00+02:00
- Das Südasien-Seminar veranstaltet vom 19.-21. Mai den Workshop Young South Asian Scholars Meet zum Thema "Engendering and Degendering South Asian Studies". In Zusammenarbeit mit re:work und dem Zentrum Moderner Orient.
- What Workshop Südasien Mediality and Intermediality in Asian and African Societies
- When May 19, 2011 09:00 to May 21, 2011 04:00
- Where Südasien-Seminar, Invalidenstrasse 118, R. 317
((HIer formatierten Text einfügen!!!)
(aus Flyer...)
Thursday, 19.05.2011
21. MAY Venue: Festsaal, Luisenstrasse 56
Welcome Note by Michael Mann / Professor for Culture and History of South Asia at the Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University
Keynote “Rethinking a dubious category: Representational activism and new mobilities among ‘Muslim women’ in India” Nadja-Christina Schneider / Junior Professor for Mediality and Intermediality in Asian and African Societies at the Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University
RReception Introduction by Jana Tschurenev (ETH, Zürich): “Intersectionality: Gender and sexuality,
empire and nation in modern South Asian History” Panel “Gender and Development in South Asia” Chair: Manuela Ciotti, IGK
Ingvild Jacobsen (Norwegian University of Life Science, Aas): “Women’s security in a post-conflict context (Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan)”
Evgeny Kochkin (Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg): “Gender bias in educational expectations of children from Indian rural areas”
Farhat Naz (University of Bonn): “Caste system making women visible and invisible in community based water management: a case study of rural northern Gujarat, India”
Coffee/Tea Break Panel “Gender and Politics” Chair: Nitin Sinha (ZMO)
Patrick Hesse (Humboldt Univeristy): “Liberating Women, defending Tradition: Communist perspectives on gender emancipation in the mid-20th century”
Mirella Lingorska (University of Tübingen): “Female ascetics in the Hindutva” Shahnaz Khalil Khan (Humboldt University): “What accounts for the absence of a concerted
Muslim women’s movement in J&K?” Lunch Break
Panel “Gender and Work - I” Chair: Prabhu Mohapatra, IGK Srimayee Dam (University of Calcutta): “Gender dimensions on ‘role-changing’:
An integrative approach” Julia Grünenfelder (University of Zurich): “The discursive constitution
of the ‘Pakistani Working Woman’” Devika Sethi (JNU/Göttingen): “‘Girl Clerks’, ‘Lady Officers’
and ‘Officers’ Wives’: Women’s Employment in the Indian State” Coffee/Tea Break
VVenue: Institute for Asian and African Studies (HU) Invalidenstrasse 118, R. 317
Friday, 20.05.2011 Continued from previous page
04:00-05:00 PM
PPanel “Gender and Work - II: Capitalizing Bodies, Capitalizing Work” Chair: Anne Griffiths, IGK
Lisa Caviglia (University of Heidelberg): “A feminist geography of sex work in Nepal: Bridging spaces, transnational movement and the body as capital and investment”
Sneha Banerjea (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi): “Wombs to-let: Subversive ‘work’ or exploitation under capitalist patriarchy?”
005:00-05:15 PM Coffee/Tea Break 05:15-06:30 PM Film and Discussion: “The Women’s Centre” (2006)
A short documentary by Jesper Nordahl about a Sri Lankan women self-help centre. Saturday, 21.05.2011 Venue: Institute for Asian and African Studies (HU) Invalidenstrasse 118, R. 317
09:00-10:30 AM
10:30-10:45 AM 10:45-12:45 PM
12:45-1:45 PM 01:45-03:15 PM
03:15-03:30 PM 03:30-04:30 PM
04:30-04:45 PM 04:45-05:45 PM
PPanel “Sexual Identities” Chair: Michael Mann, Humboldt University Manju Ludwig (University of Heidelberg): “The inconsistencies of discourse:The colonial
archive on sexuality, sodomy and ‘unnatural’ behavior in 19th century North India.” CoraGäbel(UniversityofTübingen):“Homosexuals,prostitutesortransgender?TheHijrasin
South Asia” Kathryn Lum (European University Institute, Florence): “Equal before God, yet invisible among
the Sangat:The discourse on sexuality in Sikhism” Coffee/Tea Break
Panel “Producing Norms of Conjugality” Chair: Heike Liebau, ZMO
Prabhat Kumar (University of Heidelberg): “Household events’ in the late 19th century Bihar”
Razak Khan (Free University, Berlin): “Purdah politics: Narratives of princely zenana women”
Anja Wagner (University of Heidelberg): “Women, men, couples: Towards a unified ethnography of gender”
Fritzi Titzmann (Humboldt University, Berlin): “Gender and mobility: A case study on Gujarati matrimonial media”
Lunch Break Panel “Gender: Representation and Performance - I”
Chair: Heiko Frese, University of Heidelberg Maritta Schleyer (MPI, Berlin): “Sufi heroines: Gendered emotional styles and female agency
in Khwaja Hasan Nizami’s writing” Sukla Chatterjee (University of Heidelberg): “Playing on the body: White woman’s gaze and
the nautch girls” Aishika Chakraborty (Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College, Calcutta): “Gendering
performance: The contemporary intervention in Indian dance” Coffee/Tea Break
Panel “Gender: Representation and Performance - II” Chair: Heiko Frese, University of Heidelberg
Deimantas Valanciunas (Vilnius University): “The mythologized femininity: Gendered identity and representation of a woman in Indian goddess films”
Hana Waisserová (Masaryk University, Brno): “South Asian Transnational Womanhood by Lahiri: Re-writing South Asian gender roles?
Coffee/Tea Break Round Table with Michael Mann (Humboldt University) / Melitta Waligora (Humboldt University)
HHeiko Frese (University of Heidelberg) / Heike Liebau (Zentrum Moderner Orient)