Prof. Dr. phil. Vincent Houben
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- Name
- Prof. Dr. phil. Vincent Houben
- sea-history.asa (at)
- Einrichtung
- Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät → Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften → Geschichte und Gesellschaft Südostasiens
- Sitz
- Invalidenstraße 118 , Raum 119
- Telefon
- (030) 2093-66063
- Postanschrift
- Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Due to the upcoming retirement of Prof. Vincent Houben starting with the winter term of 2022/2023, no new Bachelor’s or Master’s theses can from now on be supervised by him. His availability by email will be limited by 01 October 2022. Thank you!
I. Bio
II. Main Research Interests
III. Curriculum Vitae
IV. Lectures | Conferences | Summer Schools (2011–2017)
V. Teaching
VI. Publications
VII. Research Supervision
I. Bio
After my secondary education in the city of Haarlem (the Netherlands), I moved to the old university town of Leiden to take up the study of history. This was a time in which non-western history was ‘rediscovered’ after a period of negligence since the decolonization of Indonesia. In my personal environment I got to know several people with an Indonesian background, which also raised my curiosity. Therefore, during my postgraduate studies, I specialized in Indonesian history and took modern Indonesian as well as Javanese as minors.
The contact with historians in the Leiden Institute for the History of European Expansion and Reaction on the one hand and with experts of Indonesian languages and cultures on the other helped me combine two hitherto separate academic worlds. Because of my rare combination of subjects, I obtained a Ph.D.-scholarship, which in 1987 led to the submission of a dissertation on Javanese-Dutch contact history at the Principalities of Surakarta and Yogyakarta in the middle of the nineteenth century. In this study I combined colonial sources with Javanese materials, in a manner that has been done before by internationally renowned scholars like Merle Ricklefs and Peter Carey.
Between 1986 and 1997 I was a lecturer for history at the Department of Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures of Leiden University. During these years I taught many students and among them were a substantial number from families with a migration background. In the 1980s and 1990s I undertook regular trips to Southeast Asia, to Indonesia and Vietnam in particular. In 1993 I was guest lecturer at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, on the basis of a staff exchange with Robert Cribb, who is now a professor at the Australian National University.
In 1997 I obtained the chair of Southeast Asian Studies at Passau University, as the successor of Bernhard Dahm. Moving to this new environment not only involved teaching in German but also broadening my expertise beyond Indonesia and history. During these years I took an increasing interest in intra-regional comparison as a method of making Southeast Asian Studies work. Since 2001, I have been working at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as a professor of Southeast Asian history and society. As deputy director and, previously, longtime director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies I am involved in administrative matters, especially regarding the question of how area studies can be made more relevant for the future. Contacts to partner institutions in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam have been intensified.
Over the years I have published several books and many articles on different aspects of Southeast Asia and its history. Main themes are colonial history, economic history, politics of postcolonial memory and theories of non-western studies.
II. Main Research Interests
- Modern History of Southeast Asia (19. – 21. Century)
- Theory and History of Area Studies
- Colonial and Imperial History
- History of Labour
- Memory Studies
III. Curriculum Vitae
Academic Career
2001 - heute |
Professor (C4) for Southeast Asian History and Society, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2013 |
Visiting Scholar at IGK Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History |
2007, 2009 |
Visiting Scholar at School of Asian and Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Australia |
1997 - 2001 |
Professor (C4) for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Passau |
1982 - 1997 |
Research Associate in Indonesian History, Leiden University |
1993 |
Guest lecturer at University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia) |
1987 |
Ph.D. at Leiden University |
1976-1982 |
History (Major) |
Current Memberships
- Auswahlkommission Humboldt Graduate School (HGS) (seit 2015)
- Reviewer at the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- International advisory board member Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (JSEAS) (since 2008)
- Kommission für Internationale Angelegenheiten in der Zentralen Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover (ZEvA) (seit 2015)
- Member of the commission for teaching and studies (LuSt, Kommission für Lehre und Studium) of the Institute of Asian and African Studies (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) (since 2011)
- Principal Investigator Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS)
- Principal Investigator Graduate School Global Intellectual History (FU & HU)
- Member of the Comission for Graduation (Promotionskommission) of the Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) (since 2011)
- Member of the Examination Board (Prüfungskommission) of the Institute of Asian and African Studies (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) (since 2008)
- Editorial board member TRaNS: Trans – Regional and National Studies of Southeast Asia (since 2011)
- Board member European Association of Southeast Asian Studies (EUROSEAS) (since 2015)
- Scientific Advisory Board Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde E.V. (DGA), Section Southeast Asia (2003-2009; since 2015)
- Admission committee Master's programme Global Studies (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) (since 2014)
Selected Memberships 2011-2016
2015 - 2016 | Scientific Advisory Board Crossroads Asia |
2008 - 2016 |
Admission committee Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS) |
2011 - 2015 |
Assistant project manager of the network of expertise "Dynamics of Religion in Southeast Asia" (DORISEA) (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) |
2014 |
Visiting scholar re:work (February-July) |
2014 | Guest lecturere Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS) (Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia) (August) |
2012 - 2014 |
Member of the institute board (Institutsrat) Institute for Asian and African Studies (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
2008 - 2012 |
Member of the faculty board (Fakultätsrat) Philosophische Fakultät III (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
2008 - 2011 | Reviewer German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) |
2008 - 2010 |
Vice Dean (Prodekan) Philosophische Fakultät III (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
2004 - 2012 |
Assistant project manager and board member SFB 640 "Repräsentation sozialer Ordnungen im Wandel" (representation of transforming social order) |
2004 - 2011 |
Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
2004 - 2008 | Vice chairman European Association of Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) |
2001 - 2006 |
Chairman European Association of Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) |
2001 - 2006 | Chairman scientific committee Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribean Studies |
2001 - 2005 | Indonesian committee Royal Dutch Academy of the Science |
IV. Lectures | Conferences | Summer Schools (2011–2018)
Detailed information is available on the German version of this page.
V. Teaching
Overview of courses taught in the winter term 2021/2022
VI. Publications
Latest Book Release
Histories of Scale: Java, the Indies and Asia in the Imperial Age, 1820–1945. Glienicke: Galda Verlag (2021), 328 pages.
Together with Peter Carey: Perempuan-perempuan Perkasa di Jawa Abad XVIII-XIX. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (2016), xiv + 114 pages.
Together with Howard Dick, J. Thomas Lindblad and Thee Kian Wie: The Emergence of a National Economy. An Economic History of Indonesia, 1800-2000. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin 2002. xvii + 286 pp. // Review in Itinerario 26,3-4 (2002), 121-123.
Together with Dr. J. Th. Lindblad: Coolie Labour in Colonial Indonesia. A Study of Labour Relations in the Outer Islands, c. 1900-1940, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1999. Xii + 255 pp. // Review in JAS 62-3 (August 2003), 1011-1012.
Much has been written about Western capitalism and systems of labour mobilisation in Asia. Yet the fate of the individual coolie, as the Asian labourer is often called, easily remains evasive and beyond our comprehension. Sources are silent and it is difficult to fit pieces of scattered specific information into large jigsaw puzzles of generalisations about modes of production and labour utilisation. This book is an attempt to come to grips with the conditions under which coolies in an Asian economy, that of late colonial Indonesia, actually lived and worked: whether male or female, Javanese or Chinese.
Van kolonie tot eenheidsstaat. Indonesië in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Semaian 16. Leiden: Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost Azië en Oceanië 1996. Xii + 287 pp.
Kraton and Kumpeni. Surakarta and Yogyakarta 1830-1870. Leiden: KITLV Press 1994 [396 pp.; revised translation of the unpublished Ph.D. thesis Leiden University 1987]
Whereas the development of the Dutch colonial state has become a major theme in the historiography of Indonesia, the modern history of the so-called native states remains to a considerable extent unwritten. The Javanese realms of Surakarta and Yogyakarta in Central Java were of prime importance in the politics of the Netherlands Indies, located, as they were, at the heart of the Dutch colonial state. Moreover, in present-day Indonesia Central Javanese political culture is still highly influential. This book covers forty years of the history of the Javanese Principalities in the post-Java War period (1830-1870). The situation as it evolved in the Principalities is compared with the setup of native states in other parts of Asia.
Edited Volumes
V.J.H. Houben and Mona Schrempf (eds.), Figurations of Modernity. Global and Local Representations in Comparative Perspective. Frankfurt/New York: Campus 2008 (198 pp.)
Conventional wisdom holds that globalisation has made the world more modern, not less. But how has modernity been conceived of in colonial, postcolonial, and post-revolutionary worlds?
In ‘Figurations of Modernity’, an international team of scholars probe how non-European worlds have become modern ones, from the perspective of a broad range of societies around the globe. From vocational education in Argentina to secular morality in Tibet, from the construction of heroes in Central Asia to historical memory in Nigeria, this comprehensive volume reckons with the legacy of empire in a globalising world.
V.J.H. Houben (Hg.), Nadja Charaby, Die laotisch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen. Kontinuität und Wandel. Berliner Südostasien- Studien Band 7. Berlin: Logos 2006
V.J.H. Houben, Cynthia Chou (Hg.), Southeast Asian Studies. Debates and New Directions. Singapore: ISEAS 2006
„What is the relevance of the area studies approach to Southeast Asia?” The current state and future directions of area studies, of which Southeast Asian studies are a part, is a central question not only to scientists working in the field but also to those engaged in university politics. This collection of nine articles is written by specialists from different disciplinary backgrounds and working in institutions of higher learning all around the world. It provides an p-to-date insight into the current state of the study field, its strengths and weaknesses and seeks ways to reconfigure Southeast Asian studies in order to meet the challenges of a region that is caught up in profound transformation as a consequence of both globalization and localization.
Martin Grossheim and Vincent J.H. Houben (eds.), Vietnam, Regional Integration and the Asian Financial Crisis. Passau Contribution to Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 9, Passau University 2001
Bernhard Dahm and Vincent J. H. Houben (eds.), Vietnamese Villages in Transition. Passau Contributions to Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 7, Passau University 1999
V.J.H. Houben, H.M.J. Maier and W. van der Molen (eds.), Looking in odd mirrors: the Java sea. Semaian 5 (Leiden: vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië 1992)
90) "Colonial social ontology and the persistence of colonial sociocultures in contemporary Indonesia", in: Benjamin Baumann and Daniel Bultmann (eds.), Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South (London/New York: Routledge 2020) 100-118.
89) "Die Krise der Vereinigten Ostindischen Kompanie", in: Christian Büschges und Stefan Rinke (Hrgs.), Das Ende des alten Kolonialsystems. Dokumente zur Geschichte der europäischen Expansion Band 8 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2019) 52-61.
88) "Homes and Colonial Violence in the Dutch East Indies: The Coolie Pondok", in: Felicitas Hentschke und James Williams (ed.), To be at Home. House, Work, and Self in the Modern World (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018) 120-124.
87) "Colonial Capitalism and Javenese Transcolonial Labor Migration in Insular Asia", in: Mahua Sarkar (ed.), Work out of Place. Work in Global and Historical Perspective (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018) 55-76
86) "New Area Studies, Translation and Mid range Concepts" , in: Katja Mielke und Anna-Katharina Hornidge (ed.), Area Studies at the Crossroads. Knowledge Production after the Mobility Turn (Palgrave MacMillan 2017) 195-211
85) "Repertoires of European Panic and Indigenous Recaptures in Late Colonial Indonesia", in: Harald Fischer-Tiné (ed.), Anxieties, Fear and Panic in Colonial Settings. Empires on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Palgrave MacMillan 2016) 259-277.
84) "Islam and the Perception of Islam in Contemporary Indonesia", in: Heidelberg Ethnology, Occasional Paper No. 3 (2015).
83) (mit Aleah Connley) "Indonesien: Figurationen von Vielfalt in Einheit", in: Gunnar Stange/Rolf Jordan/Kristina Großmann (Hg.), Handbuch Indonesien (Angermünde: Horlemann Verlag 2015) 15-44.
82) "Koloniale Moderne in Nederlandsch Indië. Grenzen und Gegenströme" in: Wolfgang Kruse (Hg.), Andere Modernen. Beiträge zu einer Historisierung des Moderne-Begriffs (Bielefeld: Transcript 2015) 209-218.
81) "Sociocultures of Insular Southeast Asia: between History, Area and Social Studies" in: Transcience vol. 5 issue 1 (2014) 28-35.
80) "The Indonesian Eurasian Community and Japan" Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 44 (2013), No.3-4, 227-237.
79) "The New Area Studies and Southeast Asian History" Dorisea Working Paper Vol. 4. (Göttingen: 2013).
78) (with Julia Seibert) "(Un)freedom. Colonial labor relations in Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies compared", in: Ewout Frankema and
Frans Buelens (eds), Colonial Exploitation and Economic Development. The Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies compared. (New York: Routledge 2013) 178-192.
77) "Economic crises in the ASEAN area: types and responses", in: European Review of History, Vol. 19, No.6, December 2012, 965-977.
76) 'Wortwelten und Sprachspiegelungen. Ein Vergleich der oeffentlichen
Diskurse zur Asienkrise 1997-98 und zur heutigen Weltwirtschaftskrise',
in: Krisen verstehen. Historische und kulturwissenschaftliche
Annaeherungen, hg. von Thomas Mergel (Frankfurt am Main: 2012) 275-289.
75) "Der Indische Ozean aus südostasiatischer Perspektive", in: Südasien-Chronik, Bd.1 (2011) 135-150.
74) (with B. Rehbein) ‘The Persistence of Socio-Cultures and Inequality in Contemporary Southeast Asia’, in: B. Rehbein (ed.), Globalization and Inequality in Emerging Societies (Basingstoke etc.: Palgrave MacMillan 2011) 11-30.
73) "Southeast Asia and Islam", in: Joseph Chinyong Liow (Ed.). Islam in Southeast Asia: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies (London: Routledge 2010). 290-310 [reprint 2003 publication]
72) "Constructing the Indonesian Nation through Crises: Representations and Realities", in: Jurnal Etika Edisi Khusus No.1 (2010) 1-15.
71) (mit Riem Spielhaus), "Kultureller Austausch und gelebter Islam - Eine Einleitung." in: Anke Bentzin, Henner Fürtig, Thomas Krüppner und Riem Spielhaus [Hrsg.]. Zwischen Orient und Okzident - Studien zu Mobilität von Wissen, Konzepten und Praktiken. Festschrift für Peter Heine. (Freiburg: Herder-Verlag 2010) 11-22.
70) (mit Boike Rehbein) "Regional- und Sozialwissenschaften nach dem Aufstieg des globalen Südens", in: ASIEN 116 (Juli 2010) 149-156.
69) "Talking Economic Crisis. Indonesia and Global Dynamics", in: J. Thomas Lindblad and Bambang Purwanto (eds.), Merajur Sejarah Ekonomi Indonesia. Essays in Honour of Thee Kian Wie 75 Years Birthday (Yogyakarta: Ombak 2010) 409-424."
68) "Is Malaysia part of Southeast Asia?", in: Off the Edge (April 2010) 24-26.
67) (mit Boike Rehbein) "Südostasien nach der Krise", in: Ästhetik & Kommunikation, Heft 147 / 40. Jahrgang (Winter 2009/2010) 31-37.
66) "Schreibweisen und Theorien der außereuropäischen Geschichte am Beispiel Südostasiens", in: Jörg Baberowski (Hg.), Arbeit an der Geschichte. Wie viel Theorie braucht die Geschichtswissenschaft? (Frankfurt/New York: Campus 2009) 129-153.
65) "Menerjemahkan Jawa ke Eropa: Kiprah Keluarga Winter", in: Henri Chambert-Loir (ed.), Sadur: Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia (Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia 2009) 1067-1076.
64) "The Future of the Past, the Past of the Future: History in Southeast Asia", in: Hans Hägerdal (ed.), Responding to the West. Essays on Colonial Domination and Asian Agency (Amsterdam: ICAS/Amsterdam University Press 2009) 17-28.
63) "Editorial. Neuaufstellung der Regionalstudien in Deutschland", in: Asien 111 (April 2009) 7-9.
62) "Boundaries of Race. Representations of Indisch in Colonial Indonesia Revisited", in: Harald Fischer-Tiné and Susanne Gehrmann (eds.), Empires and Boundaries. Rethinking Race, Class and Gender in Colonial Settings (New York/London: Routledge 2009) 66-85.
61) "Việt Năm Trong Khủng cảnh Đồng Năm A: Nhưng Giao Điểm Và Sự Sành" (Vortragabschrift), in: Việt Năm Học -kỳ yếu hôi thảo quốc tế lần thứ ba. Việt nam: Hội nhập vả phát triến. Hà Nội 5. - 7. 12.2008. Hà Nội: National University Hanoi. 72-79.
60) "Representations of Modernity in Colonial Indonesia", in: Vincent Houben and Mona Schrempf (eds.), Figurations of Modernity. Global and Local Representations in Comparative Perspective. Frankfurt/New York: Campus 2008, 23-40.
59) (with Mona Schrempf),"Introduction: Figurations and Representations of Modernity", in: Vincent Houben and Mona Schrempf (eds.), Figurations of Modernity. Global and Local Representations in Comparative Perspective. Frankfurt/New York: Campus 2008, 7-20.
58) "Historische Repräsentationen des Eigenen und Nationenbildungsprozesse in Südostasien", in: Jörg Baberowski, Hartmut Kaelble, Jürgen Schrieuwer (Hg.), Selbstbilder und Fremdbilder. Repräsentation sozialer Ordnungen im Wandel. Frankfurt/New York: Campus 2008, 209-234.
57) "Representations of Indonesian History. A Critical Reassessment", in: Eva Streifeneder and Antje Missbach (eds.), Indonesia - The Presence of the Past. Berlin: Regiospectra 2007, 21-31.
56) (with Cynthia Chou),"Introduction for Southeast Asian Studies. Debates and New Directions", in: V.J.H. Houben, Cynthia Chou (Hg.), Southeast Asian Studies. Debates and New Directions. Singapore: ISEAS 2006, 1-22.
55) "Southeast Asian History. The Search for New Perspectives", in: V.J.H. Houben, Cynthia Chou (Hg.), Southeast Asian Studies. Debates and New Directions. Singapore: ISEAS 2006, 140-161.
54) "Giao Tiep Lian Van Hoa-Hen Tang Quan He Duc - Viet Nam" [Intercultural communication - some fundamental concepts for German-Vietnamese relations], Khoa Hoc [Journal of Science] T. XXI So1-2005, 16-24.
53) "Das Verhältnis zwischen Holländern, Indo-Europeanen und Indonesiern. Europäisch-Südostasiatische Kontaktgeschichte vom 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert", in: Rüdiger Hohls / Iris Schröder / Hannes Siegrist (Hg.), Europa und die Europäer. Quellen und Essays zur modernen europäischen Geschichte. Festschrift für Hartmut Kaelble zum 65. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden: Steiner 2005) 259-263.
52) "Leiden und Ost-Indien. Kolonialrepräsentationen einer niederländischen Universität", in: Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte 7 (2004) 53-72.
51) (mit Beatrice Daun), "Wahlen in Indonesien – Ergebnisse und Aussichten", in: Asien 92 (July 2004) 84-87.
50) "Globalization in Southeast Asia – a Historical Analysis", in: Heinrich Böll-Stiftung, Asian Modernity – Globalization Processes and Their Cultural and Political Localization (Berlin 2004) 27-33.
49) "Surakarta. Sanctuary of Javanese cultural Heritage", in: Ooi Keat Gin (ed.), Southeast Asia. A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC Clio 2004) 1278-1279.
48) "Regionalwissenschaften und die Marginalisierung der Südostasienstudien in Deutschland - eine Stellungnahme", in: ASIEN 91 (April 2004) 87-95.
47) "Southeast Asia and Islam", in: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 58-8 (July 2003) 149-170.
46) "Südostasien. Eine andere Geschichte - Antrittsvorlesung 2. Juli 2002". Öffentliche Vorlesungen Heft 119. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität 2003, 28 pages.
45) (with Steffen Henkel and Claudia Ruppert), "Cultural Dynamics of German business co-operation with Indonesia and Singapore" in: Asia Europe Journal I, 3 (August 2003), 333-348.
44) "Südostasien von 1870 bis ca. 1920: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", in: Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa, Rüdiger Korff (Hg.), Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert. Wien: Promedia 2003, 13-25.
43) "Historical Evidence and Dutch Colonial Labor Relations", in: William Twining and Iain Hampsher-Monk (eds), Evidence and Inference in History and Law. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press 2003, 311-328.
42) (with Steffen Henkel and Claudia Ruppert), "Economic Culture and Business Co-operation in Southeast Asia, Exemplified by Indonesia and Singapore", in: Horst Kopp (ed.), Area Studies, Business and Culture. Results of the Bavarian Research Network Forarea (Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit Verlag 2003) 383-396.
41) "Institutional Profile: the Seminar for South-East Asian Studies at the Humboldt-University, Berlin", in: European Newsletter of South-East Asian Studies 15-1 (November 2002) 10-11
40) (mit Steffen Henkel und Claudia Ruppert), "Wirtschaftkultur und Unternehmenskooperation in Südostasien: Kooperationspartner in Konfliktsituationen", FORAREA Arbeitspapiere Heft 18 (Erlangen 2002) 133-149.
39) "Politik und Kultur in Südostasien. Eine Einführung", in: Heinrich Geiger (Hrsg.), Südostasien: Religion – Kultur – Bildung (Bonn: KAAD 2001) 8-21.
38) "Koloniale geschiedenis van Indonesië in de 21e eeuw. Meerzijdig en dubbelzinnig", in: J. Thomas Lindblad en Willem van der Molen (red.), Macht en Majesteit. Opstellen voor Cees Fasseur. Semaian 22 (Leiden: Opleiding TCZOAO 2001) 293-303.
37) (with M. Grossheim), "Introduction and Update", in: M. Grossheim and V. Houben (eds.), Vietnam, Regional Integration and the Asian Financial Crisis (Passau 2001) 1-16.
36) "Mau ke Mana Indonesia?", in Panji Tahun IV No.21, 13 September 2000.
35) "Communal Conflict in Post-Suharto Indonesia: the Case of Ambon", in: Thomas Engelbert and Andreas Schneider (eds.), Ethnic Minorities and Nationalism in Southeast Asia (Frankfrut am Main: Peter Lang 2000) 39-47.
34) "Reformasi and the Future of the Indonesian Economy", in: Andi Fasal Bakti (ed.), Good governance & Conflict Resolution in Indonesia. From Authoritarian Government to Civil Society (Jakarta: IAIN Press 2000) 51-56.
33) "Reaktionen in Südostasien auf die Globalisierung: Die Suche nach neuer Legitimation", in: Günter Schucher (Hrsg.), Asien unter Globalisierungsdruck. Politische Kulturen zwischen Tradition und Moderne (Hamburg 2000) 92-99.
32) "Adat en Agama", in: Bernard Arps en Willem van der Molen (eds.), Woord en schrift (Leiden 2000) 33-52.
31) "Timor Est. L'intervention occidentale", in: AFRASE no. 50 (March 2000) 20-21.
30) "The unmastered past: decolonization and Dutch collective memory", in: European Review, Vol. 8, no. 1 (2000) 77-85.
29) "Economic crisis and the culture of reform in Southeast Asia", in: European Review, Vol. 7, no. 4 (1999) 487-496.
28) "Politische Kultur und die Wirtschaftskrise Südostasiens", in: ASIEN Nr. 70 (Jan. 1999) 12-29.
27) "L’assimilation aux Pays-Bas du passé indonésien", in: Septentrion 27-1 (1998) 59-64.
26) "Nyabrang/’overzee gaan’. Javaanse emigratie tussen 1880 en 1940", in: Piet Emmer en Herman Obdeijn (red.), Het paradijs is aan de overzijde. Internationale grenzen en migratie (Utrecht: Van Arkel 1998) 51-65.
25) Roel de Neve en Vincent Houben, "Heren op het land. Indische cultuurondernemers", in: W. Willems, R. Raben, E. Seriese, L.v.d. Linden, U. Bosma (Herst.), Uit Indië geboren. Vier eeuwen familiegeschiedenis (Zwolle: Waanders 1997) 51-63.
24) "Die Niederländer in Indonesien: Unbequeme Kolonialgeschichte", in: DAMALS -11/97 (November 1997), Deutsche Verlagsanstalt (DVA) GmbH, Stuttgart 1997, 24-28
23) "A Torn Soul: the Dutch Public Discussion on the Colonial Past in 1995", in: Indonesia 63 (April 1997) 47-66.
22) "The Labour Inspectorate and Labour Conditions in the Outer Islands and Java, 1900-1940", in: J.Th. Lindblad (ed.), Historical foundations of a national economy in Indonesia, 1890s-1990s, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York/Tokyo: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1996, 193-206.
21) "Wachten op een mentale dekolonisatie. Indonesië en de hedendaagse Nederlandse maatschappij", in: Ons Erfdeel 39-1 (1996) 81-91.
20) "Labour conditions on Western Firms in Colonial Indonesia: Outline of an Approach", in: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1995-1 (Weinheim: Akademieverlag) 93-105.
19) "De betekenis van de koloniale tijd voor Indonesië", in: VGTE (Contactblad van de vereniging voor de geschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw) aflevering 4 (1995) 9-14.
18) "Trade and state formation in Central Java 17th-19th century", in: G.J. Schutte (ed.), State and trade in the Indonesian Archipelago (Leiden: KITLV Press 1994) 61-76.
17) "Profit versus ethics. Government enterprises in the late colonial state", in: R. Cribb (ed.), The Late Colonial State in Indonesia. Political and economic foundations of the Netherlands Indies 1880-1942 (Leiden: KITLV Press 1994) 191-211.
16) "Javanese Labour Migration into Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Australia", in: Paul Crook (ed.), Proceedings of the University of Queensland History Research Group no. 5 (1994) 16-30.
15) "Colonial history revisited. A response to Breman", in: Itinerario XVII-1 (1993) 93-97.
14) "Private estates in Java in the nineteenth century; a reappraisal", J. Thomas Lindblad (ed.), New challenges in the modern economic history of Indonesia (Leiden: Programme of Indonesian Studies 1993) 47-65.
13) "Geschiedenis in discussie. Het gebruik van literaire bronnen bij de geschiedschrijving van Indonesië", in: Indische Letteren 7-4 (december 1992) 161-166.
12) "De Indo-aristocratie van Midden Java: de familie Dezentjé", in: Wim Willems (ed.), Sporen van een Indisch verleden 1600-1942 (Leiden 1992) 39-50.
11) "A Tale of Two Cities: Yogyakarta and Surabaya" in: Bernhard Dahm (ed.), Regions and Regional Development in the Malay-Indonesian World (Wiesbaden 1992) 143-157.
10) "Java and the Java Sea. Historical Perspectives", in: V. Houben & H. Maier (eds), Looking on odd mirrors: the Java Sea. Semaian 5. (Leiden 1991) 212-240.
9) "De opkomst van het Nederlandse koloniale systeem in de Indonesische archipel in de negentiende eeuw", in: W. van der Molen (red.), Indonesiana. Cultuurkunde van Indonesië (Leiden: vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië 1989) 107-116.
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Jemma Purdey (ed.) Knowing Indonesia. Intersections of Self, Discipline and Nation. Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing, 2012, in: Bijdragen TLV 170-4 2014, 599-600.
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VII. Research Supervision
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