Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

PhD Programmes

General Information on PhD Thesis Supervision

Research Areas / Topic Clusters for Theses
You can apply for a Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in Global and Area Studies or Southeast Asian Studies.

Certified language proficiencies (see Common European Framework for Languages)
The thesis has to be written in German or English. The required level is C1/proficient user.

Admission Requirements
Please consult the faculty website of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin detailing all information on admission criteria (in particular equivalence certificate procedure for international students) as well as the application process, which is four-tiered for students without an MA/MPhil degree from a German university and three-tiered for students with an MA/MPhil degree from a German university.

Students without a MA/MPhil degree from a German university are required to provide a certified Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications from the ZAB/Central Office for Higher Education before asking recognition as potential PhD candidate in Global and Area Studies, Sociology or Southeast Asian Studies.

After this, there is a three-step admission process. First, you have to find out whether your choice of supervisor makes sense for both parties. In order to do so, you should submit the documents listed below. If an agreement with the supervisor is reached, you need to officially apply for admission to the doctoral program at the faculty. If successful, you need to enroll as a PhD student at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin within a month of notification.

Selection by the Professor
All PhD applicants are requested to submit the following documents (incomplete or short-notice applications will not be attended to!) via email as PDF attachments:

  • a completely filled out application form sheet with your key information
  • your curriculum vitae (CV), transcript of records, graduate degree certificates as well as the ZAB certificate in one PDF file
  • a concise, properly proofread research proposal (maximum 5 pages, in German or English) outlining
  • a problem statement and justification of the project with a clearly stated, precise research topic

  •  a research question/argument/hypothesis

  • a compact literature review in terms of the current state of the art (i.e. theoretical, methodological as well as empirical studies related to your research topic and case(s) under review)

  • a preliminary theoretical framework

  • a preliminary research methodology

  • a preliminary milestone timeline for the intended duration of your doctoral project, outlining key steps of your research process, its main objectives and goals as well as their duration in a detailed, calculated and feasibility-oriented manner

  • a selected bibliography of academic literature (see literature review)


We will then review your application and invite you for an appointment, either face-to-face if based in Germany, or via Skype.


In case of our confirmed intent of supervision, the next step is the admission procedure with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. All applicants are requested to

  • read the FAQ section first
  • prepare the application forms/documents required (which basically comprise those submitted to us beforehand)
  • seek in a timely manner an appointment – either via email, phone or in person – with the Desk for Doctoral Studies (Global and Area Studies, Southeast Asian Studies: Ms Sarah Affenzeller)



Binational PhD Program in Global Studies

Universidad Del Salvador und Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


The Binational Doctoral Programme in Global Studies is devoted to contemporary issues in globalization focusing on governance, inequality and socio-ecological transformation. It is conducted jointly by the Universidad del Salvador (USAL) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), Germany. Students spend at least one semester at each of the two institutions and are co-supervised by professors from both universities. In the end, they receive a double degree.



Students learn to approach the field of their PhD topic and globalization from the perspective of two regions and multiple disciplines. They are integrated into a group of PhD students working in the three thematic fields of the programme and into an international network of researchers working in the same thematic field. Students participate in research conducted jointly by professors from USAL and HU at each of the locations. Writing the thesis on the basis of this research is the core activity of the programme. In addition, students receive training in theory, methodology, thesis writing and current debates closely linked to their thesis topic.



PhD students form a batch and study together at the two locations. Each batch is composed of students from different countries. At the partner institution, the batch meets students who started their PhD at that location and work in the same field. Batches spend time together at each of the two institutions to exchange their views, share their work and assist each other – but also to learn together and to conduct joint research whenever appropriate.



The PhD in Global Studies qualifies for academic positions in various disciplines dealing with the field of studies, namely environment, governance and inequality. Graduates also work in international organizations, politics and media. The binational PhD opens up careers in Argentina and Germany as well as in the neighbouring countries and transnational spaces.


Scholarships and Fees

Four students per institution and batch receive a scholarship for the period studied at the partner university, i.e. between six and ten months. These scholarships are provided by the German-Argentinian University Centre (CUAA-DAHZ). No tuition fees have to be paid in addition to minor administrative fees in Germany. Some fees are applicable in Argentina.



Courses in Berlin are taught in English with the option of having courses in German, while courses in Buenos Aires are taught in Spanish. Students are required to reach the level of B2 in Spanish before going to USAL and are expected to learn German before attending HU. Courses are offered at both partner universities in the respective languages.


Social Responsibility

Students are expected to offset the emissions of their international travel and to contribute to social causes.





Berlin is the cultural and political capital of Germany. It is at once relaxed and buzzing with alternative culture. Compared with other capitals, it is very young, inexpensive, colourful and spacious. Its central university, which now carries the name of its spiritual fathers, is the birthplace of the contemporary university system. It still ranks among the top universities of Germany, especially in the humanities and social sciences, and boasts 29 Nobel laureates.

Universidad del Salvador

Buenos Aires is the cultural capital of Latin America and one of the most attractive cities in the Western hemisphere. It hosts a young and lively population and is the hub of Argentina. USAL is one of the most important universities in Argentina and has an excellent faculty of social sciences. It is located right in the heart of the capital with shops, theatres and cafés nearby




Course Hours Hours per week Duration Location
Interdependence and vulnerability in the contemporary world 45 3 One semester USAL
Social theory and globalization 45 2 One semester USAL
Methodology 30 3 One semester HU
Thesis workshop I 45 3 One semester HU/USAL
Thesis workshop II 45 3 One semester HU/USAL
Research course I 30 2 One semester HU
Research course II 30 2 One semester HU
Teaching   2 One semester HU/USAL
Thesis colloquium   2 Continuous HU/USAL
Thesis writing     Continuous HU/USAL




Double Degree PhD in Global Studies/Global and Area Studies
Programme Start 23 March in Buenos Aires/15 October in Berlin
Language of instruction English/German and Spanish
Admission requirements MA in the social sciencesVery good gradesGood English proficiencyFinding one supervisor from USAL and one from HU
Application Until 15 February of each year in Buenos Aires, until 31 July in Berlin
Costs Living costs (800-1000 Euro per month)Enrolment feesTravel costs



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institute for Asian and African Studies
Invalidenstr. 118
10099 Berlin


Phone: 0049/30/2093-66035
Fax: 0049/30/2093-66049



Current PhD Students

Baliña, Joaquín : "Social policy in times of global crisis. An analysisof cash transfers measures deployed in MERCOSUR and EU countries duringthe COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022)"

Braun Carrasco, Fabio: "The Global Far Right, Inequality and the Contradictions of Liberal Democracy"

Eren, Devrim: "Intersectional inequalities in India's informal economy"

Garcia, Felipe: "Public Management and Inequality"

Hager, Sarah: "Epistemology and Aesthetics from the global South"

Khun, Ratanak: "Patterns of Anti-Vietnamese Radicalism among Cambodian Elites in the Fields of Power, from 1993 – Present"

Paolinelli, Edoardo: "Sociological Aspects of Financial Institutions. Functional Elites in Germany, Italy and Argentina"




Past PhDs Students

Ardila, Javier: "The Marginalized in Colombia and Germany"

Bateman, Andrés: "Poverty, Colonialism and Eurocentric Theory"

Neumann, Johanna: "Zatpwe and Society in Myanmar"

Voigt, Katrin: "Nationalismus der Mitte in Deutschland: Eine Analyse von Praktiken der alltäglichen (Re-)Produktion von Nation und sozialer Ungleichheit"

Wimmer, Christopher: „Mangel und Notwendigkeit. Theorie, Alltagsleben und Bewusstsein der marginalisierten Klasse in der Bundesrepublik"; Mit magna cum laude im Juni 2023 verteidigt. Buchveröffentlichung: Christopher Wimmer. 2023. Die Marginalisierten. (Über-)Leben zwischen Mangel und Notwendigkeit. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim.