Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Study Groups


Study groups are run by students or involve their direct participation. Alongside formalized teaching formats, they provide an additional platform to present one’s own work and research as well as discuss topics, problems and approaches with likeminded students. Occasionally, study groups also organize lectures or workshops.

Apart from these study groups, students are also very much invited to participate in the Research Groups operated by members of the Department of Southeast Asian Studies.


Workshop Kowledge Production: Decolonial, Indigenous, and Feminist Methodologies


The workshop Knowledge Production: Decolonial, Indigenous, and Feminist Methodologies (Werkstatt Wissensproduktion) enters its third round in the winter semester 20/21.

The Q-Team Seminar is a course of training and a space for self-reflection. Decolonial, indigenous and feminist research approaches represent the core throughout the workshop sessions. The Workshop is a collaboration between the research-based learning initiative at the Chair for Transregional Southeast Asian Studies at the IAAW. This Q-Team Seminar is open to all interested students, with the aim to make its interdisciplinary, student centered, and research-based approach more relevant for a number of student bodies as an interdisciplinary elective course option. Students bring their own ideas, concerns and questions to each session, main articles on decolonial discourses are reflected and standard research methods are being questioned in order to develop critical perspectives. In addition, we will continue to work on an audio podcast series. This Q-Team seminar is open for new and previous students. We will create small research groups which depend on your level of pre-knowledge within the field.

If you are interested, please enroll on Agnes. Here you will also find further information about the course.The first info-session will take place on Tuesday November 3rd from 9-11AM over Zoom. The seminar will be hold Wednesdays from 4-6 PM every two weeks (dates may change).

For questions and requests please contact the course instructor Nadine Heil:


Der Workshop Knowledge Production: Decolonial, Indigenous, and Feminist Methodologies (Werkstatt Wissensproduktion) geht in die dritte Runde im Wintersemester 20/21.

Das Q-Team Seminar, soll durch das Auseinandersetzten mit einer konkreten Forschungsfrage zum kritischen wissenschaftlichen Denken anregen. Zudem verschafft es euch eine Einführung in die Herangehensweisen alternativer, dekolonial-indigener und feministischer Epistemologien und Forschungsansätze. Durch ein abwechslungsreiches Format der Digitalen Lehre, treffen wir uns 14-tägig in zeitsynchronen Videochats, es kommen Besuche von Gastlektoren, Verzahnungen mit einzelnen Seminaren des IAAWs, virtuelle Exkursionen, sowie asynchrone Sitzungen und individuelle Sprechstunden. Der Kurs kann mit 5 LPs als ÜWP anerkannt werden. 
Da wir uns ggf. in Untergruppen aufteilen, um an unserer Forschungsfrage je nach Interesse und Vorkenntnis zu forschen, können sowohl neue, als auch Studierende teilnehmen, die bereits am Seminar teilgenommen haben. Das Seminar ist für alle Fakultäten offen und wird hauptsächlich in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. 

Meldet Euch bei Interesse über Agnes an. Hier gibt es auch weiter Informationen zum Kurs. Am 03.11.2020 von 09-11 Uhr findet eine erste Info-Session statt. 

Bei Fragen und Anregungen, meldet Euch gerne bei der Seminarleitung Nadine Heil unter:



Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin

The Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin has been established by students of the Institute of Asian and African Studies in 2013 to provide a network for current students, alumni and researchers working on topics concerning Vietnam. Since April 2017 it has been a part of VLab, a young start-up in Berlin with a special emphasis on German-Vietnamese culture and education transfer.  

The Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin is meant to be a platform to keep in contact, ask for advice, share information on student activities and eat out together. We regularly organize open network meetings called “Stammtisch” where everybody is welcome!

Like us on Facebook for information on events, news and other issues: Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin

Or contact us via email for further information: info.huvnst (at)


Der Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin wurde 2013 von Studierenden des IAAW gegründet, um ein Netz zwischen Studierenden, Alumni und Forschern mit Vietnam-Interesse zu etablieren. Seit April 2017 ist er ein Teil des VLab, ein junges Unternehmen in Berlin mit neuen Impulsen für deutsch-vietnamesischen Kultur- und Bildungstransfer.

Der Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin soll eine Plattform sein, um in Kontakt zu bleiben, sich Rat zu holen, Informationen auszutauschen und miteinander Essen zu gehen. Wir organisieren regelmäßig offene Netzwerktreffen, unsere Stammtische, bei denen alle herzlich willkommen sind!

Like uns bei Facebook für Infos, Events, News und alles andere: Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin

Oder schreib uns eine Email: info.huvnst (at)


Hội Bàn tròn Thảo luận và Nghiên cứu về Việt Nam tại trường ĐH tổng hợp Humboldt-Berlin được thành lập vào năm 2013 để cung cấp mặng lưới giao lưu cho các sinh viên, cựu sinh viên và các học giả có quan tâm đến Việt Nam. Từ tháng tư 2017 Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin là một đơn vị của VLab, một trung tâm trao đổi giáo dục và văn hoá Đức-Việt tại Berlin.

Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin nhằm khuyến khích trao đổi nghiên cứu và văn hóa qua các buổi gặp mặt thường kỳ “Stammtisch”. Tại đây các bạn có cơ hội trao đổi kinh nghiệm, giao lưu và vui chơi liên hoan cùng nhau. Chúng tôi rất mừng có sự thăm gia của các bạn.

Để liên lạc và trao đổi thông tin, xin “like” trang Facebook của chúng tôi: Vietnam Stammtisch @ HU Berlin

Hoặc là liên lạc qua Email: info.huvnst (at)