Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

Out Now: South Asia Chronicle 2014(4)

2014(4) Mapping Bangladesh Studies

The volume (4:2014) includes a special issue on Mapping Bangladesh Studies. Bangladesh studies is emerging as a major field and is continually getting richer and more diverse, although it still has a long way to go. As seen through recent contributions elsewhere and in this volume of the South Asia Chronicle, more nuanced and newer lines of enquiry, especially in the field of cultural history and anthropology, are emerging.

In addition it holds four contributions in its FORUM rubric on recent discourses and developments in South Asia: an article comparing the construction of the Muslim as Minority in India and western Europe; one on the new urbanism, law and the city of Bengaluru; a third on the emergence of a transnational religious community; and finally a piece that engages with the question of women's rights in India in light of the recent debate on sexual violence in India.

The final rubric of the volume is dedicated to review essays, which present the state-of-the-art and historiographical overviews on a various topics.