Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

PD Dr. Daniel Bultmann

PD Dr. Daniel Bultmann
Guest Professor
daniel.bultmann (at)

Office:                            Invalidenstraße 118, Room 120

Phone:                            (+49) 030/2093-66020


Office hours:         Wednesday, 9-10 (In room 120 and only with an appointment)




For other requests please contact: transhiw(at)


Curriculum Vitae

  • (since October 2022) Guest professor for ‘Society and Transformation in Asia and Africa’, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • (2022) Habilitation at the University of Siegen (Venia: Sociology)
  • (2017-2022) Academic staff, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • (Summer 2022): Guest lecturer at the University of Passau
  • (Fall 2018) Visiting Fellow, Genocide Studies Program, MacMillan Center, Yale University, USA.
  • (2018-2021) Research Fellow, DFG-funded project “Torture and Body Knowledge”, project leader: Prof. Dr. Katharina Inhetveen, University of Siegen.
  • (since January 2017) Academic staff, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • (2014-2017) DFG-funded project on the ‘Conversion of Armed Groups’.
  • (2014) Vocational training, Evaluator in Development Cooperation (FEEZ).
  • (2013-2014) PostDoc, Humboldt Graduate School.
  • (2010-2013) PhD student in Sociology at the Humboldt-University, Berlin.
  • (2008) Volunteer for the Center for Social Development (CSD) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Organization of public forums in the provinces Kampong Cham and Takeo dealing with processes of reconciliation and information about the ongoing tribunal Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) in the capital Phnom Penh. Teaching of statistical methods at CSD. The stay was arranged by the Civil Peace Service (Ziviler Friedensdienst) of the German Development Service (GIZ, former DED Cambodia).
  • (2008) Field research on Cambodian genocide at the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) and the National Archives in Phnom Penh.
  • (2003-2009) Studies of sociology and philosophy at the University of Freiburg and the Charles-University in Prague (2006-2007). Thesis in sociology on the Khmer Rouge regime.


Memberships: German Sociological Association (DGS), Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK), Association for Asian Studies (AAS), German Association for Asian Studies (DGA), Society for Evaluation (DeGEval)


Research Interests

  • Global sociology and sociology of globalization
  • Political sociology
  • Social structures and inequality
  • Sociology of elites
  • Peace and conflict studies
  • Post- and decolonial theory
  • Collective violence
  • Digital ethnography and network analyses
  • Sociology of the body
  • Sociology of knowledge
  • Regional focus Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Thailand and Laos



  • Thomas A. Herz Award for Qualitative Research (German Sociological Association)


Membership in Editorial Boards

•    Genocide Studies and Prevention
•    Transcience: a Journal of Global Studies
•    Series: “Insights Southeast Asia”, Galda Publishing


Grants and Third-Party Funding

(2014-2017) DFG-funded research project: “Strategies of Conversion in Armed Groups”

(2013-2014) PostDoc Scholarship, Humboldt Graduate School

(2012) Research Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

(2010-2013) PhD Scholarship, Elsa Neumann Foundation, Berlin




  • (2018) The Social Order of Post-Conflict Transition in Cambodia. Insurgent Pathways to Peace, Lanham: Lexington Books.
  • (2017) Kambodscha unter den Roten Khmer. Die Erschaffung des perfekten Sozialisten, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
  • (2015) Bürgerkriegstheorien, Konstanz: UVK.
  • (2015) Inside Cambodian Insurgency. A Sociological Perspective on Civil Wars and Conflict, Burlington, VT/Farnham, UK: Ashgate.



  • (2022) Soziale Felder, bewaffnete Konflikte und gesellschaftlicher Wandel im globalen Süden, Fakultät I: Philosophische Fakultät, University of Siegen.


Articles (peer-reviewed)
  • (in print) A Global and Diachronic Approach to the Study of Social Fields, Historical Social Research.
  • (2023) Shall androids dream of genocides? How generative AI can change the future of memorialization of mass atrocities (with Mykola Makhortykh, David Simon, Roberto Ulloa and Eve M. Zucker), Discover Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3 (28), online first.
  • (2022): Elite Formation and Conflict in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, online first, 1-13.
  • (2020) S-21 as a Liminal Power Regime: Violently Othering Khmer Bodies into Vietnamese Minds, Genocide Studies and Prevention, Vol. 14 (3), pp. 11-26.
  • (2018) Insurgent Groups During Post-Conflict Transformation: The Case of Military Strongmen in Cambodia, Civil Wars, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 24-44.
  • (2014) Analyzing the Cambodian Insurgency as a Social Field, Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 457-478.
  • (2011) Die Revolution frisst ihre Kinder. Mangelnde Legitimation, pädagogische Gewalt und organisierter Terror unter den Roten Khmer, Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 42 (1-2), pp. 73-105.


As Editor
  • (forthcoming) Section “Social Organization and Change“, in: Surinder Jodhka and Boike Rehbein (ed.): Handbook of Social Inequality, Berlin: Springer.
  • (2020) Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South (with Benjamin Baumann), Abingdon: Routledge.
  • (2018) The Social Structure of Insurgencies. Reproduction and Change during and after Conflict, Small Wars & Insurgencies, Special Issue, Vol. 29, Issue 4.


Further Articles (Invitations, Special Issues)
  • (2021) „Wir müssen absolut sein.“: Folter, Reinheit und Verrat unter dem Regime der Roten Khmer, Soziopolis, online publication, June 26.
  • (2020) Gewalt und Ordnung unter den Roten Khmer, Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung, pp. 54-70.
  • (2020) Evidence and Expert Authority via Symbolic Violence: A Critique of Current Knowledge Production on Perpetrators, Journal of Perpetrator Research, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 207-213.
  • (2018) Brüche und Persistenzen in Kambodschas sozialer Ontologie, Zeitschrift für Kollektivwissenschaft, Volume 4, Issue 2.
  • (2018) The Social Structure of Insurgencies. Reproduction and Change during and after Conflict, Small Wars & Insurgencies, Introduction to Special Issue, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 607-628.
Book Chapters
  • (forthcoming) “Pierre Bourdieu”, in: Surinder Jodhka and Boike Rehbein (ed.): Global Handbook of Inequality, Berlin: Springer.
  • (forthcoming) “Michel Foucault”, in: Surinder Jodhka and Boike Rehbein (ed.): Global Handbook of Inequality, Berlin: Springer.
  • (in print) “Southeast Asia”, in: Surinder Jodhka and Boike Rehbein (ed.): Global Handbook of Inequality, Berlin: Springer.
  • (in print) Purity and Control in Khmer Rouge Interrogators’ Notebooks and Confessions, in: Stephanie Benzaquen-Gautier, Anne-Laure Porée und Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (Hg.): Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Brill: Amsterdam.
  • (2023) “Social Conflict“, in: Surinder Jodhka and Boike Rehbein (ed.): Global Handbook of Inequality, Berlin: Springer.
  • (2023) Todes- und Umerziehungslager in Kambodscha. Der Vietnamese im Khmer – Statuspassagen in den Lagern der Kommunistischen Partei Kampucheas (1975-1979), in: Annett Bochmann und Felicitas von Weikersthal (ed.): Institution Lager. Theorien, globale Fallstudien und Komparabilität, Campus: Frankfurt/New York, pp. 247-276.
  • (2021) Medical experiments, blood and gall: Revolutionary utilization of the body in Khmer Rouge prisons, in: Ben Kiernan and Eve Zucker (eds.): Political Violence in Southeast Asia after 1945, London: Routledge.
  • (2021) Die Gewaltorganisation im Zentralgefängnis S-21, in: Jochen Voit (Hrsg.): Zwischen Gewalt und Freundschaft. Kambodscha und die DDR im Zeitalter der Ideologien, Weimar: Stiftung Ettersberg.
  • (2020) Clashing Social Ontologies: A Sociological History of Conflict in the Cambodian Political Elite, in: Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South (with Benjamin Baumann), Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 136-156.
  • (2020) (with Benjamin Baumann) Introduction, in: Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-5.
  • (2018) The Normality of Going to War: Aspects of Symbolic Violence in Participation and Perpetration in Civil Wars, in: Susanne Buckley-Zistel und Timothy Williams (eds.): Perpetrators. Dynamics, motivations and concepts for participating in mass violence, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 99-116.
  • (2017) Die Revolution der Roten Khmer, in: Olaf Glöckner und Roy Knocke (eds.): Jahrhundert der Genozide: Ursprünge, Formen und Folgen politischer Gewalt im 20. Jahrhundert, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
  • (2016) (with Sok Udom Deth) The Afterglow of Hun Sen’s Cambodia? Socioeconomic Development, Political Change, and the Persistence of Inequalities, in: Chantana Banpasirichote-Wungaeo, Boike Rehbein and Sirichai Wungaeo (eds.): Globalization and Democracy in Southeast Asia, London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 87-110.
  • (2008) Moglis Bestimmung im Garten der Arten. Führerlose Massen, Artentrennung und Familienwerte im “Dschungelbuch”, in: Sacha Szabo / Samuel Strehle (eds.): Unterhaltungswissenschaft, Tectum, Marburg


Working Papers
  • (2022) Digital Archive of Memorialization of Mass Atrocities (DAMMA) Workshop Whitepaper (with Mykola Makhortykh, David Simon, Roberto Ulloa und Eve M. Zucker). Yale University Genocide Studies Program: Mass Atrocities in the Digital Era Working Paper #3.

  • (2020) Folter und Körperwissen – Notizen aus der laufenden Forschung (with Katharina Inhetveen, Max Breger and Christina Schütz), SWoPS: Siegener Working Papers zur Politischen Soziologie, Nr. 1.


  • (in print) Mobility, Mobilization, and Counter/Insurgency: The Routes of Terror in an African Context (Daniel Agbiboa), American Journal of Sociology.
  • (2021) Asian Alleyways. An Urban Vernacular in Times of Globalization (edited by Marie Gibert-Flutre and Heide Imai), Asian Studies, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 225-231.
  • (2021) Bruchlinien des Sinns. Pierre Bourdieus »Schriften zur kollektiven Anthropologie. Band 1: Tradition und Reproduktion; Band 2: Habitus und Praxis«, Soziopolis.
  • (2020) Class after Industry (David Byrne), Soziologische Revue, Vol. 43 (3), pp. 406-410.
  • (2019) Chronicles of a People’s War (Nhem Boraden), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 92 (4), pp. 808-810.
  • (2018) End of Empire. 100 Days in 1945 that Changed Asia and the World (eds., David P. Chandler, Robert Cribb and Li Narangoa), ASIEN, Vol. 145.
  • (2017) The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia (ed. by Katherine Brickell and Simon Springer), ASIEN, Vol. 142, pp. 103-104.
  • (2014) Zwischen Planung und spontaner Ordnung – Stadtentwicklung von Phnom Penh 1860 bis 2010 (Thomas Kolnberger), Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 45 (3), pp. 437-439.
  • (2014) Aktuelle Herausforderungen der internationalen (Entwicklungs-)Zusammenarbeit in Südostasien. Nothilfe, Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung im Diskurs (Ed. Rolf Jordan / Gunnar Stange), ASIEN, Vol. 133, pp. 127-129.
  • (2013) Cambodia. Progress and Challenges Since 1991 (Ed. Pou Sothirak / Geoff Wade / Mark Hong), Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 44, Special Issue 1-2 (2013), pp. 171-173.
  • (2011) Beyond Democracy in Cambodia. Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society (Ed. Joakim Öjendal / Mona Lilja), Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 42 (3-4), pp. 394-395


  • (2021) Das Vexierbild Hun Sen (review of Sebastian Strangio’s „Cambodia. From Pol Pot to Hun Sen and Beyond“), Stiftung Asienhaus.
  • (2020) Wo sind all die Roten Khmer geblieben?, Stiftung Asienhaus, Reihe: Blickwechsel.
  • (2019) Winning and losing under Hun Sen‘s win-win policy, Asia Dialogue, online publication.


Lectures and Workshops

  • (2023) Folter und revolutionäre Reinheit: Terror als Lebensform in den Sicherheitszentren der Roten Khmer, Tagung: „Gewaltbezogene Lebensformen“, Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt, June 8.
  • (2023) Workshop in cooperation with David Simon and Eve Zucker (Yale University), Roberto Ulloa (Universität Konstanz) und Mykola Makhorthyk (Universität Bern): Digital Memorialization of Mass Atrocities, CAIS, Bochum, July 25-27.
  • (2023) Generating memory or dreaming up distortion? Conceptualizing opportunities and risks of using generative AI for memorialization of mass atrocities, iRights.Lab & Stiftung EVZ, Online Event, May 23.
  • (2023) Die Zukunft der Thai-Studien an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Universität Hamburg, June 3.
  • (2022) Workshop in cooperation with Katharina Inhetveen (Universität Siegen): Torture and Society, Potsdam, June 23 - 25.
  • (2022) (Towards) A Post- and Decolonial Approach to the Study of Social Fields, Adhoc Group: Doing Global Sociology in a Polarized World, Annual Conference of the German Sociological Association (DGS), September 28.
  • (2022) The Reproduction of Inequalities in the Study of Armed Groups, University of Passau, February 10
  • (2021) January 7 on Cambodian Power Elites’ Social Media Accounts, IAGS conference, Barcelona (Online), July 21
  • (2021) Bewaffnete Gruppen als soziales Feld, Universität Bayreuth, January 20
  • (2019) Clashing Social Ontologies: A Sociological History of Political Violence in the Cambodian Elite, EuroSEAS, Berlin, September 11
  • (2019) Tuol Sleng as a Liminal Power Regime, IAGS Conference, Phnom Penh, July 17
  • (2019) Workshop on Research Methods, Cambodian Senate, Phnom Penh, April 1 - 5
  • (2019) The Social Structure of Political Elites in Dictatorships in Transition: Persistence and Change, Princeton University, March 9 - 10
  • (2018) Torture practices and body knowledge under the Khmer Rouge, MacMillan Center Academic Exchanges, Yale University, USA, November 14
  • (2018) The Social Order of Post-Conflict Transition in Cambodia, Genocide Studies Program, Yale University, USA, October 4
  • (2018) Habitus und Macht in der Soziologie bewaffneter Gruppen, University of Konstanz, May 22
  • (2018) Zur Reproduktion sozialer Ordnungen in kambodschanischen Guerillagruppen, Bundeswehr-Universität München, March 13
  • (2018) Habitus Hermeneutics and the Cambodian Field of Insurgency, Conference: “Biography and Violence. Violent Dynamics and agency in collective processes and individual life histories”, Center of Methods in Social Sciences, University of Göttingen, February 9-10
  • (2018) Zur Sozialstruktur bewaffneter Gruppen, Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Ruhr-University Bochum, January 11
  • (2017) Brüche und Persistenzen in Kambodschas kollektiver Ordnung, Forschungsstelle Kultur- und Kollektivwissenschaft, Universität Regensburg, November 10
  • (2017) Ebenen symbolischer Gewalt in der Erforschung bewaffneter Gruppen, Workshop: On the Production of Conflict Knowledge in Ethnology, Area Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies, IAAW, Humboldt University of Berlin, April 6-7
  • (2017) Organization of Workshop: On the Production of Conflict Knowledge in Ethnology, Area Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies, IAAW, Humboldt University of Berlin, April 6-7
  • (2017) Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheiten in bewaffneten Gruppen, University of Marburg, Research Colloquium at the Center for Conflict Studies, February 13
  • (2016) Habitus and Power Practice in a Cambodian Insurgency, Center for Conflict Studies, University of Marburg, October 20-22
  • (2016) Power and the Social Structure of Insurgencies in Cambodia, February 22, Lehigh University.
  • (2015) Logiken kollektiver Gewalt unter den Roten Khmer, Conference, Berlin: Aghet und Shoah, November 8-10
  • (2014) Soziologie kollektiver Gewalt. Der Massenmord der Roten Khmer in Kambodscha, University of Salzburg, May 20
  • (2013) Habitus, Feld und Macht in der Analyse bewaffneter Gruppen, Workshop AK Gewaltordnungen, Berlin, November 22
  • (2013) Inside the Field of Resistance. Habitus Groups and Power Practice in the Cambodian Civil War after 1979, EuroSEAS conference, Lisbon, July 2-5
  • (2013) Analysing Power Practices in Civil War with Pierre Bourdieu, British Sociological Association, Annual Conference 2013, London, April 5
  • (2013) Sociology of non-state Armed Groups – Workshop ‘Microfoundations of Conflict’, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, February 21-22
  • (2012) Power Practices in non-state Armed Groups. The Cambodian Civil War, 1979-1998 – 7th Asian Graduate Forum, Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, July 16-20
  • (2012) Movie Presentation: „Enemies of the People – Die Suche nach der Wahrheit nach dem kambodschanischen Völkermord“, Asian African Institute, University Hamburg, July 4
  • (2012) Khmer Intellectuals at War, 4th Southeast Asia Update, Center for Pacific and Asian Studies (CPAS), Radboud University Nijmegen, June 22



  • SoSe 2023: Qualitative Research Interviewing, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2023: Researching Power Elites, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2023: Social Theories, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2023: Macht und Herrschaft in Thailand, Laos und Kambodscha, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2023: Research Colloquium, MA/PhD course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2022/23: Knowledge Production in and about (Post)Conflict Zones, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2022/23: Lokale und globale Herausforderungen, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2022/23: Ethnografie: Theorie und Praxis, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2022/23: Kambodscha unter den Roten Khmer, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2022: Rural Development. Critical and Postcolonial Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Transformation (together with GIZ), MA course, Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Entwicklungs- und Kulturforschung, University of Passau
  • WiSe 2021/22: Grundlagen postkolonialer Theorien II, BA course, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften
  • WiSe 2021/22: Reproduktion und Wandel von Machteliten in SOA, BA course, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften
  • SoSe 2021: Grundlagen postkolonialer Theorie I: Strukturalismus und Poststrukturalismus, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies

  • WiSe 2020/21: Theories of Violence, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2020/21: Die Herrschaft der Roten Khmer, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2020: Elites and Domination (with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein), BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2020: Social Inequalities in SEA (with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein), BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2019/20: Political Violence, MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2019/20: Theorien sozialer Ungleichheit, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2019: Die politische Elite Kambodschas, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2018/19: Die Herrschaft der Roten Khmer: Ursprünge, Strukturen und Auswirkungen, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2018/19: Social and political structures in South and Southeast Asia, Lecture (with Dr. Tamer Soyler)
  • SoSe 2018: Grundlagen postkolonialer Theorie II, BA-Seminar, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2017/18: Grundlagen postkolonialer Theorie I: Strukturalismus und Poststrukturalismus, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2017/18: Theorien sozialer Ungleichheit, BA/MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2017/18: Social and political structures in South and Southeast Asia, Lecture (with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein)
  • SoSe 2017: Current Theories of Civil War and Conflicts in Southeast Asia, BA/MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • SoSe 2017: Machtpolitik und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Kambodscha unter Hun Sen, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies
  • WiSe 2016/17: Understanding Social Inequality, BA/MA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies (with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein)
  • SoSe 2016: Die Indochinakriege und ihre Folgen für Kambodscha und Laos, BA course, Institute of Asian and African Studies (with Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein)


  • Stiftung Ettersberg (